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Razor VI

An old speedrun ship, but unfortunately the barrier is not popular now.

Basic Info

  • No: 11
  • Ship: Razor VI
  • Affinity: Shield Breaking
  • Type: Lightfury
  • Main Weapon: Phase Disruptor
  • Aura: Barrier
  • Zen: Mega Laser
  • Rarity: Common
  • Price: 500
  • Main Description: 3 tightly packed forward firing beams on both sides of the ship.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • A deployed upfield barrier around invaders allows it to move around safely for a brief moment of time to focus fire its powerful main Phase Disruptor to take out invaders quickly. This is pretty repeatable every wave (Act 3 and above), making Razor easy to use.
  • Barrier also allows a safe ML setup. You can even safely charge 2 consecutive MLs.
  • Mini Barriers around yourself also work wonders for Razor and can extend your safety time further when you foresee the big barrier around the invaders to break soon. This allows some risky ML setups to be possible.
  • Particularly, in daily missions, deploying smaller barriers at the bottom of the screen is more frequent since there won't probably be enough time to eliminate all the invaders after the barriers upfield fade.
  • Mini Barriers also allow for some last minute defence against an entire frontline of bullets converging onto you. Useful when fighting Rocs.
  • While Razor is offensive, once the wave dies down (to 1 or 2 small invaders), you can simply wait for the bullets to die down, unless you have an active barrier.
  • One burst of Razor's main pops off a turret, assuming the shield is down.
  • Unfortunately barriers against lasers is unreliable so do watch out for lasers and potentially breaking barriers.
  • For a frontline Vulture, one burst of Phase Disruptor should be fired along with charging ML to almost instantly vaporize it. This is because you should be taking advantage of the SB nature of Phase Disruptor which deals an astounding 2.5 times the normal 31.25 DPS, while the ML does a flat 170 damage. Optimising the main timing gives it insane burst damage within ~3s: 62.5 damage from main, 1.9sec charging ML (taking into account ~0.1s for your reaction time), 170 damage from ML, 62.5 damage from main for the next 1sec, which means a whooping 295 total damage.
  • For backline Vultures, you will likely need to use 2 MLs in the same wave. Deploy the barriers as usual, then use the Phase Disruptor to destroy a few invaders on one side of the field. Ride up the ML to grab their particles, deploy a second smaller barrier around yourself (if the previous one already broke), then charge ML as the next burst goes off. There should now be a hole on that side to reach the Vulture. Grab the particles, deploy a third barrier, then fire off another Phase Disruptor burst as you charge ML to eliminate the Vulture. Then clean up the rest.


  • It's extremely powerful main Phase Disruptor destroys 2 Ravens in one burst. Each burst lasts 1s and it takes 1s to recharge. Optimizing the main is of absolute key, and the burst shots allow easy re-positioning. A rather quick sweep through of the Phase Disruptor also eliminates a whole line-up of sparrows in early Acts.
  • Because of the main's bursty nature, it is sometimes desirable to charge ML just as the Phase Disruptor starts to fire. It is actually a mistake for many players to charge ML as the next wave approaches. When the wave is front heavy, a burst of Phase Disruptor should be fired, and a sweep should be done to cover as much ground as possible to strip invaders of their shield before ML goes into action.
  • Razor is one of the hardest ships to master properly, as there is no hard and fast rule on when to deploy barrier, other than the standard upfield shield which encloses the invaders. Sometimes you would use small barriers to allow easier movement and thus faster target switching, while at other times you would use small barriers to charge ML.


  • The Phase Disruptor is easy to use due to the forward and sufficiently wide spread nature. The straightforward nature of the weapon is what makes Razor so popular.
  • The reactor position is a little awkward since it's at the back of the ship. Razor's reactor is hard to get used to.


  • Razor was probably the most popular ship in the game before v5.0 due to the fact it is powerful, yet easily available (since it's rarity is common). However, the new mission layout introduced late into v5.0 made Razor completely fall out of meta.
  • Razor is commonly referred as a Horseman back in the early Phoenix 2 days.
  • Razor is considered the last surviving real horseman, due to the fact since v3.5, SEMP got nerfed badly which stripped many Horsemen such as Cinnri and Photurius.
  • Razor is apparently one of the most commonly misspelled ships, as players would sometimes call it Razor IV instead of Razor VI (Note the Roman numerals).


  • Name: Reinforced Lining
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Increases strength of Inner Lining.
  • Interpretation: The inner lining of the barrier will have the same strength as the outer lining.
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 1.91 / 5

This apex improves it's capability to set up ML after placing barriers, allowing for a bit more grace time, since Razor is able to make use of its inner lining almost all of the time. It can also set off 2 consecutive MLs from the increased inner lining strength that can survive the onslaught of bullets, which can help in waves with more larger invaders such as Eagles with Vultures. Even if you don't have the courage to pull off so many consecutive MLs, the increased inner lining strength is a welcome survivability boost to an offensive ship.


  • Name: Focused Beam
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Mega Laser power is concentrated in a smaller beam and deals more damage.
  • Interpretation: The width decreased from 150% to 50%, the damage increased from 170 to 200.
  • Form: Sigma
  • Price: 35000
  • Score: 2.55 / 5

The increase in raw firepower for Razor from ML helps it occasionally in heavier waves. However, there is a real risk of invaders avoiding your ML instead and wasting that extra damage, or even risk missing a Raven or two when normal ML does the job fine. Overall, the buff in firepower can be noticeable.

Video Illustration